Brad and I have decided that within the next couple months we are going to get a dog blood analysis test done on Zulu.
When we got Zulu we didn't care what she was we just loved her and were thankful that we were able to rescue her. But as time has progressed we have conducted "mutt" research and we began to think that she was a chocolate labmaraner until we stumbled upon pictures of a german shorthaired pointer.
Then the debate began. I wont tell you which one of us thinks what, but we shall see when the test results come in.
That is, of course, after we get the test, take the blood and send it in...
Exhibit A - Zulu
Exhibit B - Chocolate labmaraner
Exhibit C - German Shorthaired Pointer
By.the.way - I sorta wish I lived in Southern Ontario so that Scruffy Dog could take our photos.
Seriously. Best pet photos EVER! Check 'um out here. Adorable!
Back to the debate.
Is it just me, or do they look exactly the same? Doesn't matter. I've cast my vote in the super secret sealed envelope hidden underneath the bed and I just KNOW when we get the blood test back, it will say __________________ . (:
I've cast my vote in a sealed envelope too! Let me know what the results say!