Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I wanna be..

More like my husband..

Right now he's sleeping, but that's not what I want to be.

I want to be:

- More johnny on the spot, like my wonderful husband!

- Attentive to his stories, like he has so patiently taught himself to for me.

- More imaginative, like my creative husband!

- More genius-like, like my Einstein husband!

- Talk pilot training in my sleep, like he is doing right now! [Its hilarious!]

- Patient (for the most part), like my endearing husband!

- Loving, like my cuddly husband!

- More productive, like my achieving husband!

Seriously, this man is all of these things and so much more. He never fails me and everyday I strive to be more like him, more wonderful. There is nothing that he sets his mind to that he can't do.

Sappy, yes. True, more than anything I have ever said.

Love him, I do.

<3 Dani


  1. aww this is so sweet! sometimes i feel so cliche saying "he makes me be a better person" but it's so true isn't it? i want to be a better wife and woman for him... i know you know waht i'm talking about! :)

  2. Absolutely! I think that all the time!

    Joy - you are already an incredible wife, mom and woman, and I know that from reading your blog. You are so Bailey focused and put your family first. Sean is a lucky man. (:

  3. O my goodness.. that makes me so happy. Not that you said it but that he makes you feel that way. You gave me a tear. <3 you Dil.
