Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Brad flies solo! [But only in a plane, phew!]

May 6, 2011 - It happened

Brad flew solo!

The first step was to fly with the Instructor Pilot (IP) and ensure that he had what it takes to fly. Pshhh! Not even a question!

Then, the IP jumped out Brad began his solo checklist. [Something about a harness, a shoulder strap, an engine working properly.. No matter how many times I hear it, I don't remember]

See his IP standing out there. He just jumped out!

And he's off..

[Insert Dani hyperventilating here!]

Where in the sky is Bradley Breedlove?

(only to be sung to the "Where in the world is Carmen SanDiego tune, thank you!)

Randolph, Drew (my totally awesome flight line escort) Froggie and Owei waiting for Brad.

All grin. He DID IT!

Drew has already taken a hold of him! No getting away.


Ain't going no where with 5 grown men and miss Dana around..

Taking off all the gear to ensure nothing gets wet that's not supposed to.

I would be battling to not be thrown in that water, too. ICK!



Soaking wet, but still handsome. Love him!

All in all it was a successful flight. I know he is proud of himself and I am proud of him, too.

But, alas, the journey is not over - NOT EVEN CLOSE! Its still arduous and painful, fun and exciting, consuming - but great. We charge forward to his next solo, area solo, probably next week. Score!

With love,

1 comment:

  1. aww flying looks like fun!! i probably wouldn't have hugged sean though if HE had gotten dumped in that water! YUCK! haha :)

    you two are such a cute couple!
