Sunday, March 6, 2011

Playing catch-up. 3 weeks went wayyy to fast.

Well, I promised myself I wouldn't be bad about blogging, but I am learning very quickly that life is coming at us... FAST!

Here's a quick/long recap of what we have been up to the last three weeks:

The visit to see Grandpa, Grandma, Raul, Angela and Elsa was incredible. We truly had a wonderful, quick weekend to see them. Grandpa looked REALLY good, which was very wonderful to see. He has been sick with a bone marrow disease and I was anticipating the worst. He looked great though and so did Grandma Lida. We spent most of Saturday afternoon at their place, then made our way back to Raul and Ang's. Here are some pictures. (Raul and Ang - I promise I will send these to you!)

Grandpa holding Miss Elsa. It was so cute to see him hold her!

I told Brad, "mark my words, Elsa falls asleep in my arms and
immediate baby fever will set in..."
aaannnndddd guess what?!?! She fell asleep in my arms.
It was so precious and I was in baby heaven.
Miss Elsa is a doll, which is not surprising.
I was completely amazed at what an incredible 2.5 month old baby she is.
She didn't cry, she hardly fussed, even when she was hungry.
I was in awe.

I have to admit. I was a little worried about baby fever, but after our long talks with Raul and Angela we realized how much we truly cherish our couple time right now and how much we want kids... but down the road.

I can't thank Raul and Angela enough for the incredible time we had that weekend. They gave Brad such amazing advice on UPT and life in the Air Force. They gave him the opportunity to relive memories of USAFA and gave us an incredible outlook for the future! We anticipate their move to DC and can't wait for the opportunity to visit them up east. :)

Seriously, I mean it when I say she is a doll! She laughs at EVERYTHING, but I really think she laughs at her dads mustache.. I would too! :)

So I have surprised Brad recently with my cooking skills. I really think I scared him when we first got married, he thought I couldn't boil water to save my life.

Recently we've been mixing up our dinners. We have our 7 meals we really love to cook and eat, but every once in a while we will get on and find a new one.

This was a pesto chicken pizza. It was scrumptious! By the way - word to the wise - when it calls for pre-made pizza crust, don't get all fancy and try to use Pillsbury pizza dough. It doesn't roll out nicely if you want to make it round. Unless you want a rectangular pizza, then more power to you! Hence the reason our pizza looks like a newly discovered continent.

I also got all Betty Crocker this weekend and made peanut butter cookies, tiger butter, brownies, goulash and potato casserole. Stev-o.. Dave-o... How are the cookies??

Brad and I have happy hearts every night we crawl into bed. The bed has truly been a sleeping wonder. In January when we moved into our house, we SOON realized there was no way that a $300 queen set bed was comfortable and certainly no way that two people could sleep in it comfortably. So, we saved up the money and splurged on a nice king bed.

Then, we splurged a bit more and bought this awesome bed set. We didn't even realize it until a week ago, but these are the colors of our bathroom. How this got past us, we don't know, but they match the amazing towels that the Ellis' bought for us as a wedding gift, which we LOVE!

Other fun things that are happening -

- Congratulations to Mr. Logan Barlow! Logie Bear and his fiance Miki will be moving to Enid, Oklahoma, Logie Bear received Vance for his UPT. Hopefully they will have casual here and move to OK after his 60 days. We are excited to be a part of their new adventure, if only for the first year. Logie Bear and Miki - If you need anything let us know! Especially with wedding planning, Brad and I know how that goes :)

Also, Logan - Thank you for the kind note in your graduation letter. I was honored to be thought of as the reason y'all wanted to start a blog!! I am excited for you and Miki and can't wait to read about your life happenings!

- Brad has been BUSY! This past week he had to be in at 6 am on several mornings. Which doesn't seem bad, but he comes home drained. They are certainly stretching his brain and requiring every brain cell to actively participate. Friday was his first sim training, or as Brad just called it, "cock pit familiarization..". See what I mean, they stretch his brain so much he can't put things into lame terms for me without being silly. :)

Here's a cute story for you, I will warn you, it was a "guess you had to be there moment," but I want to share anyway.

When we were with Raul and Angela, Raul and Brad were swapping driving stories. Brad was talking about being pulled over in Enid, and Raul was telling us about a time when he was in college. Brad said something a long the lines of, "yeah, well when I drive my car now" and he went to make a car driving motion. Well, instead he made a plane flying motion and I just started to giggle. He literally had his hand like it was on the stick of an aircraft instead of a steering wheel. He's definitely a pilot, he even thinks about it subconsciously. :)

- My job is awesome! I still completely love it. The new receptionist started, so I have moved to training for half the day and then focusing on what I know how to do the other half. Everyone there is completely motivating and so sweet. This job has taught be SO much already, the most important being that positive motivation goes a long way. It so wonderful to be told how much you are appreciated and how much someone appreciates your work! Is this what a real job is like??

Oh, and apparently these guys give me motivation to blog. I kept telling Brad, I can't blog, I dont have any recent pictures of Rascal and Remi. We watched them for a bit today, they are getting SO big!!

I love these pups. They can be pains, but their faces make up for it!

Another busy week ahead!

With love,


  1. I love you guys... nuf said!!
    <3 mom

  2. Thanks for catching up on the blog. I'd been checking every now and then and wondering how things were going. Sounds like things are awesome! So happy for you guys. Can't wait to see you in DC. Love ya!
