Monday, January 24, 2011

Can I get a drum roll?!

Here it is... I know, I know. Some of you are saying "FINALLY!"

This entry, the first to be published, will be ALL about us and settling in in Enid, oh and FINALLY showing y'all pictures of our house. :) Hooray!

We arrived in Oklahoma on January 4, late at night. Fortunately, the hotel on base had space for us and we bunked up there for a few days while we went house hunting. We were able to view a couple houses and decided by the exterior (and a couple interiors because we snuck in.. Shhh! dont tell on us) that they just weren't what we were looking for. For the most part, they would need a LOT of work. We had the chance to view another house on the other side of town... okay, mind you "the other side of town" is about 7 miles... then you leave Enid. I know, devastatingly far from where most the "military" housing is located. Well, we met the landlord, Rosella, and had a chance to view the interior. We fell in love AT ONCE! Rosella was super sweet and had all these ideas for fixing the place up, but we couldn't wait until the 15th which is when she wanted renters to move in - at the earliest. Hmph!

I think she could tell that we REALLY wanted the place, because she was super sweet and bumped up her time frame and said that we could move into the house that Saturday. Let me tell you, it was one of those "this only happens in movie" moments when Brad and I looked at each other and in unison said, "We'll take it!" :)

We signed the renter agreement that night and here we are settled in our new house in Enid. I (Dani, you'll find the main writer of this blog) came down with bronchitis, on the cusp of pneumonia, so we had a fun time VERY SLOWLY unpacking for the first 5 - 6 days. Poor Brad, I know he just wanted to be unpacked and done with everything...

So, here we have it - The Breedlove Residence - a la Enid, Oklahoma!

Front of Hilltop Dr. Look at Sophie and Calli sitting pretty in the garage :)

Living room.

Lovely green couches - thanks, Johns!

Lovely coffee table - thanks, Aunt Cindy and UB!

Fireplace, mantel (for stockings... SCORE!) and TV.
Please note the TV stand.. There's a story with that!

Our FABULOUS new dining room table - Target special!

Our black and white kitchen! So Dani of this house.

Guest bath

Office. Still putting it together... Or maybe I'm just messy..

The guest room, better know as the MARILYN ROOM! :) It'll have a bed in it eventually..

Master bedroom

Backyard - complete with shed and awesome views.

Views of backyard with a little photo editing :)
OOOOOOOOOKLAHOMA where the winds come sweeping off the plain...

Well, that's it. Casa de Breedlove's.

To catch you up on a couple things around here:

- Brad starts pilot training February 17. Right now he reports to work for several hours a day and then has the afternoons off. Its been really nice, it allows him the opportunity to start and finish projects around the house, plus, I have been spoiled having him home all the time. :)

- I have decided to go back to school and obtain my Masters Degree in Communication. It was going to be Marketing, but I have decided that I really enjoy the study of Communications and that's the road I want to travel if I want my Masters. So, I will be studying and preparing for the GRE in March and then will apply to schools. Right now I am looking at ASU, USC and NAU. We will see how I do on the GRE and go from there.

Here's a couple more photos - please enjoy the entertainment they offer... Hahaha!

Yes, chef!

Master of the grill...

If only you had seen the bag of hardware required to put this together.
It took 3 hours, about 4.5 man hours (I only helped for a little bit -hehehe), a couple undo and redos and VIOLA! we had a kitchen table.

My contribution. One leg on the table. Lol! No, I helped a wee bit more.

That's it for now, folks! I promise to try and be good from here on out about posting. Even if its something small once a week. Life will be pretty boring for a while, but its bound to pick up soon.

We love you all!



  1. I absolutely love it... the blog, your home, and most importantly you two!!!!!! I am excited to follow your cute little life.

    mom G

  2. Well I have to say Oklahoma.... is well.. flat? You said "here is our view...." and I was like what the hell is she looking at!! Well the wind most blow there a lot! So the extra room needs to be put together soon- Kat, Julie, and I have a bucket list and it was like "Where in the world do we want to travel..." Hmm, Paris... na- Hawaii... na- too much sand! Greece... no way to far away... well maybe we should go to Enid... and we all jumped up and down and thought that was a dream spot!! (OK so my story isn't real. but... we would come see you in a heartbeat) I miss you tons!! Promise your wedding card will be in the mail this week! :)

  3. Ahhhhhhh dani!!!! Amy's post is HILARIOUS! What's wrong with visiting Enid?? Besides that it sounds like an old lady name... :) we would come visit in a heartbeat. I'm sorry I've falls off of the face of this earth vim glad to hear thy you guys are doing well and settling in right at home. Movie moment, eh?? I pretty are your whole Breedlove story (yes, that was awesome I got to plug the name) has been a little bit of a movie moment. Anyway...I love you!! Please call whenever you get a chance!!! I miss you terribly!!!!!
    xo.kat & balboa
